• Saturday, October 11th, 2014

view from my hotelGot into my room about 5 am and after a couple hours’nap, I’m ready to face the world! I’m thinking I’d better make the most of it, cause I’m likely to crash and burn early this evening…
First-hours get money and then an international cell phone so I’m available/and can reach my backup here if I need to…
Palm trees…riding in from the airport-Palm trees were the thing I noticed most. Not like the cheesy ones the city imported every year to let slowly die outside the baseball stadium, but real honest-to-good Palm trees, happy as crickets and lining the road. Where I’m used to oaks and maples—Palm trees!!

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2 Responses

  1. 1

    A whole new world!!!

  2. 2

    It sure is!

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